The Truly Infinite Universe:
Hegel, Hawking, and the Quantum Cosmo-logic of the Absolute
by David James Stewart (2019)
From the publisher: ... 275-3443-8The discoveries of general relativity and quantum mechanics in the 20th century provide the perfect opportunity for Hegel’s thought to become more topical than it has ever been. By bringing speculative philosophy into conversation with quantum cosmology, this book develops Hegel’s metaphysics of true infinitude and Hawking’s theory on the origins of spacetime in tandem, providing a compelling rationale for the idea that the universe is a self-generating, self-organizing, self-enclosed whole.
Ever sensitive to the complex relationship of scientific, philosophical, and theological issues in theoretical cosmology, the study brings a fresh perspective to the unique brand of metaphysical theology underlying speculative philosophy and offers a new way of conducting transdisciplinary work involving Hegelian thought. This is essential reading for Hegel scholars, Hawking scholars, those interested in philosophical cosmology, the ontology of the quantum void, the realism vs. idealism debate, infinitude, “imaginary” time, and dialectical materialism, and those compelled by post-classical approaches to theology.

The publisher has provided a 30-page sample PDF: ... sample.pdf